You can make online payments here using most major credit cards. While this method of payment is probably the quickest and easiest way to get money to YWAM Oxford, it is definitely not the cheapest. Credit card payments currently incur a fee of 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction. This amount goes directly to our credit card processing company and is not included in the total amount we receive from you.
If you would like to make an international bank-to-bank transfer (also known as a wire transfer) we highly recommend using Transferwise. In our experience, this is the cheapest (and quickest) way to complete a cross-border funds transfer. When compared with Western Union or standard bank transfers, it will save you quite a bit of money in both fees and inflated exchange rates.
Watch this helpful video below to get an idea for how to use Transferwise and then go to their website to signup and begin the process.
Once you’ve signed up, the transfer process is relatively simple. Follow these instructions and use the YWAM Oxford bank details provided below to complete your transfer.
Bank: BNZ
Branch: Papanui
Swift Code: BKNZNZ22
Name: Youth With A Mission
Account #: 02-0816-0156155-05
For those of you hailing from the land of the long white cloud, we have the privilege of 100% free bank-to-bank funds transfers (thanks to Kiwi ingenuity and good ol’ market demand!). If you’d like to make a direct deposit to YWAM Oxford for student or staff fees, course deposit, donation or anything else, please use the following account number. Enter your name in the reference section and the purpose of your payment in the particulars.
Bank: BNZ
Branch: Papanui
Swift Code: BKNZNZ22
Name: Youth With A Mission
Account #: 02-0816-0156155-05
You can pay using our Paypal which is
Note with Paypal they take a fee on the way through so we only receive what we receive not what you send. It can be around 3-4% fee. Also Paypal tends to have less favourable exchange rates